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Things are quickly coming to an end for our students and teachers. I know that for our family, we are down to the "lasts" of the year - school concerts, open houses, tests, final projects, yearbook signings, etc.

At the same time, we are gearing up for another busy, event-filled summer. (Never a slow season around here at the corps!) Meanwhile, our staff and volunteers continue to faithfully serve all year long - through all the seasons. I want to give a shout-out to all of them. They are so faithful - and even when some of them have had health issues - they come right back to serve when they are able again.

In the May 28th issue of the Church Family newsletter, you will see that we decided to kick off our Back to School Giveaway a little differently this year. Please take the time to read what we are doing and I hope that you will want to participate - or at least get the word out on our behalf!

Reminder: We will be celebrating these wonderful people next Sunday. Captains Javier and Irene Castro will be joining us for this special time.

David Holquin - Culinary School Kristina Massa - 12th Grade Ryan Johnson - 12th Grade Suzane Johnson - 12th Grade Morgan Jones - 12th Grade Scorpius Huth - 12th Grade Parker Madsen - 12th Grade Marlin Bain - 8th Grade Evan Jones - 8th Grade Michele Garcia - 7th Grade Elijah Spicer - 8th Grade Sharan Bain - 5th Grade

Jim and Marion do a wonderful job of keeping us updated on some of those requesting prayer. I know that there are lovely, caring members who have gone out of their way to care for their practical needs. For that, I am truly grateful! Maybe there are those that would like to be of service, but they are unable to for whatever reason. In that case, the best thing we can do ... is pray! There is power in prayer. I believe it!

If you would like someone's address to send a card, give our office a call and we will be happy to share that information with you.

Keep the men in prayer as they gather at the Divisional Men's Retreat this weekend.

And lastly, for those who are traveling this Memorial Weekend, may the Lord watch over you and keep you safe, and may you have a blessed time of fellowship with family and/or friends.

Friday June 2nd, 2023
Friday May 26th, 2023