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This Week's Schedule


09:30 AM - VBS Volunteers Set Obstacle Course - Large Parking Lot 10:00 AM - Adult Sunday School - Library 10:15 AM - VBS Families Arrive - Chapel 10:15 AM - Prayer Group - Prayer Room 11:00 AM - VBS Celebration & Final Concert - Chapel 12:30 PM - Food & Fellowship - Fireside Room 01:00 - 2:30 PM - Obstacle Course Open - Grassy Field & Parking Lot


1:00 - 3:00 PM - Backpack & School Supplies Giveaway - Nursery NOTE: For registered families only. 5:00 PM - Craft Class - Classroom 3 6:00 PM - Men's Bible Study - Fireside Room


10:00 AM - CAMEO: Magic Craft - Fireside Room


9:30 AM - WMI Delegates depart for Pine Summit Estimated return on Saturday, August 5th, at midnight.

WMI 2023

To see our Concord Corps delegates, other Del Oro Division delegates, or music students from across the territory, the following public events are as follows and will also be live-streamed at:





Save the Date

August 7-12 Camp Redwood Glen, Scotts Valley, CA Registration is now open - see Major Ann.

Anthem (formerly known as WYI), is a week-long event for young adults, ages 18-28 that fosters a space for participants to explore the story of Jesus and learn how it intertwines with their own stories and the stories of others.

Anthem is more than an event. Anthem is a safe place for young adults to experience community and discover what it means to live out the story of Jesus in their own lives

Anthem seeks to create a space where delegates feel empowered to worship freely.

Our goal is that attendees feel welcome at Anthem and to come as they are to worship Jesus.

Our anthem is Victory over sin. Our anthem is Communion with God and His creation. Our anthem is praise to the creator God for His love, power, and glory.

We are excited to share with you information about the 2023 Divisional Family Camp!

This year’s family camp theme is “Let Me Tell You a Story!”, based on the parables that Jesus told during his ministry on earth. These parables/stories illustrated deeper valuable moral lessons that are relevant to all of us. Please promote with your Corps families and members this opportunity for spiritual growth and fellowship. Our special guest speakers for the weekend will be Colonels Eddie & Genevera Vincent, Territorial Chief Secretary & Women’s Ministries Secretary.

When, Where, & Who:

The retreat will be held on August 25-27, 2023 at Camp Del Oro.

We will have programming for kids, teens, young adults, and adults. Childcare for ages 2-6 will be provided during main meeting times. Kids ages 7-12 will have programming brought to you by the Youth Department. Teens and Young Adults will have times with activities specific to their age, and the whole family will have opportunities for fellowship and spiritual growth throughout the retreat.

Cost: $75 per person. Transportation is not provided.

Important dates:

Please note that lodging registration is on a first-come first-served basis.

Final registration and any final changes are due Friday, August 04, 2023

Other Information:

Check-In & Check-Out: Registration will be between 4:00-5:30 pm on Friday at the Dining Hall Deck. Dinner at 6:00 pm. Check-out will be on Sunday, August 27th after lunch around 12:00 pm.


Lodges: Single occupancy rooms include one double bed with bedding included, double occupancy rooms include two twin beds with bedding and towels included.

Cabins: These are dormitory-style furnished with bunk beds with restrooms and showers inside our bathhouse separate from the cabin. Families will need to bring a sleeping bag or sheets/blanket, a pillow, a towel for showers, shower shoes, and toiletries in a bag easily carried back and forth to the bathhouse.

“OTHER” Lodging options include, families bringing their own. Tent: space will be around cabins so they can have a bathhouse closer (spaces are limited)

RV/Trailer: spaces are limited

Not Staying at Camp: outside hotel-own arrangements,

Day Pass: only meals and activities included for one day (indicate Friday, Saturday, or Sunday)

Weekend Attire: Casual for Friday & Saturday, Uniform (fatigue) for Sunday.

Unsung Heroes Rally

Women's Ministries Newsletter

Click on the link below for helpful material for Women's Ministries

International Prayer Focus

This initiative of turning our thoughts and prayers towards the same part of the world at some point in the same week is a beautiful way to unite us as a global Army family and I thank you for the commitment you each give to this.

India Nothern Territory

Territorial Leaders: Colonels Chawnghlut Vanlalfela and Ropari Chawnghlut

Pray for the spiritual growth of our people.

Pray for our Cadets, Training College, Principal, and Staff.

Pray for Territorial sustainability and self-reliance.

Pray for our children and youth to continue to grow in their faith.

Pray for our retired officers for their physical health and spiritual health.

Pray for our institutions.

Pray for our Soldiers/Christians in India as they are persecuted by fundamentalists.

Prayer Requests

Submit Request

Requests will be prayed for in our Prayer Room and distributed through our Prayer Chain. Requests can be made anonymously.

Click Here To Get to the App

You can make a tithe payment, give an offering, or donate towards the World Services fund.

Friday July 28th, 2023
Saturday July 22nd, 2023