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Prepping for Trunk or Treat

Cindy's 10th Anniversary

REMEMBER: Church will be starting early at 10:30 am!

This Week's Schedule

SUNDAY 9:00 AM - Praise Team Practice - Chapel

NOTE: Trunkers may come and start setting up early. We will have 2 men keeping watch over the vehicles during the worship service. The youth will begin prepping some of the games.

10:15 AM - Prayer Time - Prayer Room

10:30 AM - Worship Service - Chapel

NOTE: No food and fellowship this week as we will begin setting up for the Trunk or Treat event. Hot dogs will be sold for $1. Popcorn will be free.


6:00 PM - Men's Bible Study - Fireside Room

NOTE: No Craft Class, Kingdom Heroes Bible Study, Senior Band, and Songsters.


10:00 AM - CAMEO (Women's Fellowship): Deeply Rooted in Love & Thankfulness - Fireside


NOTE: Food Pantry will be closed while new flooring is being installed.

SATURDAY Divisional Music Rehearsals (Last one before Christmas Concert) - Kroc Center

09:30 AM - Del Oro Chorus

11:00 AM - Del Oro Brass

12:30 PM - Lunch Break

01:15 PM - Divisional Youth Chorus

02:30 PM - Divisional Youth Electives

03:30 PM - Finish


(Daylight Saving Time ends - Time falls back an hour! - You gain an hour!)

Upcoming Opportunities

Financial Aid Class (Open to All)

You're invited to the friendliest feast in town!


🌟 Date: November 11, 2023 🕕 Time: 6:00 pm 📍 Where: 5412 Banderas Way, Sacramento

What to expect:

🍗 Tantalizing Turkey: A bird so good it'll make you want to break into a turkey trot. Delectable Deserts: We've got more dessert-y goodness than you can shake a wishbone at! 🎉 Laughs & Shenanigans: Expect corny jokes, games, epic storytelling, and prizes. 🍂 Fantastic Flannels: The bolder the better!

Bring your appetite, a dessert to share, or a favorite (non-alcoholic) beverage.

Young adults (18-35 years old) and FOFers (Future Officership Fellowship members - those interested in becoming Salvation Army Officers) should RSVP by November 7th with Kat Phrasavath ( so they'll know how many extra npakins they should get. They promise to have a gobble-tastic time!

United Young Adult Retreat

Registration is now officially open!!!

We are excited to announce that the Del Oro and Golden State Divisions are UNITING at the Young Adult Retreat this year! We hope that our Young Adults will grow in their relationship with Christ and also make new relationships with like-minded young adults.

This year we will be doing online registration only. Space is limited. Register here:

Quick note: Payments will be processed through your Corps

Theme: Overflow "May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit". Romans 15:13

Dates: January 19-21, 2024

Location: Zephyr Point Presbyterian Conference Center 660 Hwy 50, Zephyr Cove, NV 89448

Ages: 18-35 Cost: $150 + Outing Cost Continue with registration for more information on outing costs

Registration and payments due by Friday, January 5th, 2024. CANCEL your registration by Friday, December 29th, 2023. Your corps will be charged the full amount for any late cancellations

Contacts: Del Oro Youth Department Captain Jillian O'Brien (908) 797-8571

Captain Mike O'Brien (908) 797-8468

Kat Phrasavath (916) 563-3774 x 3774

16-Day Service Corps Trip: Pacific Islands

Next Spring, April 1-16, the Western Territory Youth Department will be sending a team of young adults on a journey of a lifetime to spread love and hope across the stunning Pacific Islands in our territory!

This team will travel to the Republic of the Marshall Islands, the Federated States of Micronesia, and Guam.

The team will be able to enjoy the rich culture and crystal-clear waters as they share their passion and learn from these remarkable communities.

Consider this your opportunity to make unforgettable memories with the youth in our territory. Apply to be a part of this team today by visiting

If accepted, you will need to fundraise $400. Applications are due by January 1, 2024.

SERVICE CORPS Service Corps is a Salvation Army missions program that provides an opportunity for sacrificial Christian service. Service Corps is designed for young adults between the ages of 18-28 who are eager to engage in serving others.

Service Corps is focused on building relationships in communities that The Salvation Army serves through intentional service and evangelism. Teams have the opportunity to serve and evangelize alongside The Salvation Army in national and international locations. This often includes leading worship services, day camps for youth, teaching music, sports ministry, creative arts, open-air evangelism, community discipleship, and even building projects during the course of the mission trip. Service Corps is a life-changing experience where members are challenged spiritually in their stewardship and service to God, as well as learning to adapt to new cultures and living environments. Our desire is that members will draw closer to God and be challenged toward a deeper commitment in ministry and service while gaining a larger vision of God’s work through their Service Corps experience.

QUALIFICATIONS We are looking for dedicated, responsible young adults between the ages of 18-28, who are actively living out their faith in Christ, eager to serve, willing to learn, and who are currently involved in Corps or church ministry (preferably in leadership).

SERVICE CORPS APPLICATIONS For this application, you will need to provide the following information: Basic information about the applicant Citizenship info Emergency contact info Academic info Employment history Corps or Church involvement Health info Additionally, you will need to provide: 3 references (at least one pastoral) Responses to questions about your faith, skills, service experience A media release endorsement

Rose Parade 2024

We received information from our Divisional Music Director, Daniel Prince regarding the upcoming annual Rose Parade.

There are two categories that marchers can fit into: USA/CANADA GROUP: This will be people who come in on Dec 28th – by 2 PM at LAX – and picked up and stay at camp. They will be expected to be fully involved in the whole camp/group experience. Nothing is optional. (This will also include TYB members.) Camp stay etc. is covered. They just need to get to LAX on time. Plan to depart before noon on Jan 2nd, 2024 to go home.) OTHER MARCHERS: They would need to stay locally under their own steam and then show up for the marching rehearsal and the parade. That’s it.

There is a limited number of spots for the USA/Canada Group. Regardless of which category a marcher chooses, transportation to and from LA is the responsibility of the individual (unless they are members of the TYB).

There is a level of playing and physical endurance that is required to march this parade (roughly 6 miles of walking/playing). Typically those who wish to play timbrels also have to submit a video proving they have learned the routine.

See Major Ann if you want to participate. We need to inform DHQ and THQ Music Departments.

Women's Ministries Newsletter

Click on the link below for helpful material for Women's Ministries

International Prayer Focus

This initiative of turning our thoughts and prayers towards the same part of the world at some point in the same week is a beautiful way to unite us as a global Army family and I thank you for the commitment you each give to this.

The Netherlands, Czech Republic, and Slovakia Territory

Territorial Leaders: Commissioner Bente Gundersen

Praise God:

For the development of our scouting groups and adventure clubs. Pray for new volunteers as we continue to develop this area of ministry

For sending us new Christian workers to bring in the harvest.

As he still calls men and women to serve as officers.

For the new fresh expressions that have started.


That we continue to find new ways of connecting with people to create new community-based ministries.

For the children's and youth work in corps and in our community centers. That we make room for a new generation to rise up and serve God in new and creative ways.

For the leading and dependency on the Holy Spirit and a brave heart to take bold decisions

That the Dutch Government do not change the right for employees to be selected on a religious background

For safety and openness for employees in our social services as we continue our focus on Christian identity.

For victims of human trafficking and discernment and wisdom for officers, employees and volunteers who are involved in this ministry

For the work that continues with refugees who have been displaced due to conflict

For additional funding to support TSA (Armada Spasy) to develop social work for vulnerable adults and children in the Czech and Slovakia.

For our Roma community as we continue to develop this ministry, including the establishment of kindergartens. (there some 700 settlements in Slovakia).

That the joy of the Lord will be our strength and that we would continue to unite, encourage and support each other on our journey

White Ribbon Against Pornography

The Salvation Army’s White Ribbon Against Pornography (W.R.A.P.) week begins the last Sunday of October and is dedicated to spreading awareness on how pornography affects the brain, heart, and world.

TSA Position Statement

TSA Study Guide

Informative Videos How Pornography Affects the Brain, Heart & World Resources on the WRAP website

Additional Anti- Pornography Resources & Websites – Excellent resources! Ways to communicate effectively with teens and young adults in order to educate them about the harmful effects of pornography.

The National Center on Sexual Exploitation (NCOSE) - The leading organization opposing illegal pornography, providing public educational and advocacy.

Porn Harms Research - All children, women, and men have a natural human dignity, and thus a right to be free from sexual exploitation. Pornography violates this right.

Net - Internet filtering software and is actively involved in Internet safety campaigns with local and national media.

Covenant - Rates and records every web page accessed and sends an easy-to-read weekly rating report to its members for accountability reporting and real time filtering of inappropriate content.

NetSmartz Home ( - A program of the National Center for Missing & Exploited Children that is helping children make safer choices online and in the world. - Christian Solutions in a Sexualized Culture. A statement of findings and recommendations, by The Witherspoon Institute, Mary Eberstadt and Mary Anne Layden.

S.A. - Protecting families from the harmful effects of pornography, a resource for families, religious leaders and community leaders.

SA Justice – Pornography Materials


Información básica sobre la trata de seres humanos

Recursos Como Conbatir La Pornografia/Trafico Humano

Prayer Requests

Submit Request

Requests will be prayed for in our Prayer Room and distributed through our Prayer Chain. Requests can be made anonymously.

Click Here To Get to the App

You can make a tithe payment, give an offering, or donate towards the World Services fund.

Friday November 3rd, 2023